I have been rearing fish for more than a year already, and after so long, I now started to introduce two little prawns (yes, they are only an inch long) into my aquarium. I got this idea from looking at an aquarium when I was having dinner at a Chinese restaurant in JB during Christmas last year, and it seems that they act as scavengers. So I thought I could introduce some into my aquarium, and here there are, tadaa~ It's really really small compared with the prawns you see in the market, hehehe! Fragile little creatures they are...
Prawn number one - see how tiny it is compare with my stones and marbles...
My fishes - colourful isn't it?
Can you guess what this is? It's actually the shell being shed by the prawns...
Prawn number two - this fella is able to change colour to camouflage with its surrounding (I didn't know until few days later when it keeps changing its colour!)
Can you see it? Yes, it's seeking refuge among the grass...
The colour-changing prawn...